School Vision
Our Vision for
Botley C of E Primary School
‘Quality Learning for Life’
This vision is a shared statement from all of those who work with the children of Botley C of E Primary School on a day to day basis.
Underpinned by our wholehearted belief in the benefit of a Christian ethos and the recognition of the impact of our Christian heart values, the vision for Botley Primary School is one that places children at the centre and establishes an appreciation that the school is here for them.
At this school everyone walks faithfully alongside God.
We endeavour to ensure that every child demonstrates the characteristics of effective learning and feels:
- Safe
- Secure
- Supported
- Happy
- Enthused
- Challenged
All children will be empowered to excel and be provided with opportunities to do so within a range of areas.
Through the encouragement and development of constructive behaviour and learning choices, the children will recognise that they can achieve highly and develop a positive view of themselves as individuals. They will know that God loves them each for who they are and they will feel this love every day at school through their interactions with each other and the adults within the setting.
All children will be valued for their hard work and effort. They will leave the school with a clear understanding of how to be responsible, moral citizens and with the ability to successfully move forward in both their education and their lives more generally.